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An Urgent Statement of JSA International Department about the European Commission’s Proposal on January 1, 2022

(JSA International Department)

January 13, 2022

It was reported that the European Commission declared its intention to regard nuclear power generation as useful energy resource in the fight against climate change. According to the following reasons, the international department of the Japan Scientists’ Association (JSA) argues the European Commission’s proposal on January 1, 2022 is a wrong direction which might pave the way for nuclear expansion:

  • Nuclear power generation not only threatens human lives with the risks of radioactive radiation and potential severe accidents but also burdens our future generation with negative legacies such as nuclear waste and spent fuel from nuclear power plants (NPPs). Nuclear energy is neither clean nor safe and therefore it should not be regarded as an energy option.
  • Some insist as if NPPs without CO2 emission were advantageous for global warming prevention. Such a discourse is derived from industrial (and military) interests rather than from scientific evidences. If we see the process as a whole from upstream (uranium mining) to downstream (nuclear waste disposal), nuclear energy is far from carbon-neutral.
  • A transition from fossil and nuclear energy to renewable energy should not be retreated.

The JSA is a scientists’ community in a country which has experienced not only miseries of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki but also severe nuclear accident in Fukushima. We hope the European Commission will not include nuclear power generation into the European Union’s “green list” (EU taxonomy for sustainable activities).





  • 原子力発電は、放射線リスクや重大事故の潜在的可能性により人間の生活や生命を脅かすばかりか、放射性廃棄物や使用済み核燃料のような負の遺産により将来世代に負担を強いるものである。原子力エネルギーはクリーンでも安全でもないゆえに、エネルギーオプションのひとつとして位置づけられるべきではない。
  • 温室効果ガス(CO2)を出さない原発は地球温暖化防止の上で有利であるかのような主張が、一部でなされることがある。このような言説は、科学的エビデンスに基づくものではなく、むしろ産業的(軍事的)利害からの帰結である。上流(ウラン採掘)から下流(放射性廃棄物処理)までの全過程をトータルに見るなら、原子力エネルギーはカーボンニュートラルとはほど遠いものである。
  • 化石・原子力燃料から再生可能エネルギーへの転換は、後退させられてはならない。


statement/jsa_20220113_ec.txt · 最終更新: 2023/04/13 19:38 by michinobumaeda

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