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A Statement of JSA International Department about the Tokyo High Court’s Decision on repatriated foreigners’ rights of “access to the courts”
(JSA International Department)

The International Department of the Japan Scientists’ Association (JSA) supports the Tokyo High Court’s decision on September 22, 2021, and calls for a fundamental improvement of immigration and refugee policy as to respect the rights and dignities of international residents.

JSA International Department
October 8, 2021

On September 22, 2021, the Tokyo High Court ruled that the Japanese government violated the Constitution when it deported two Sri Lankan men without giving them an opportunity to take legal action against its decision to reject their applications for refugee status. The Court admitted that the Immigration Services Agency’s approach was against Article 32 of the Japanese Constitution which ensures the right of “access to the courts.” These Sri Lankan nationals’ demand for a detention moratorium in December 2014 had been rejected. After the notification that their appeal against the rejection of refugee status was dismissed, they had planned to contact lawyers. The following day, however, they were deported in spite of the regulation that the contestants should not be repatriated during their appeal. The judiciary pointed out that the Immigration Services Agency had intentionally postponed the notification of decision issued 40 days beforehand, expecting implementation of repatriation before the lawsuit and had deprived them of their time for legal procedure.

For a court to rule that the deportation processing of foreign nationals was unconstitutional is unprecedented. The plaintiff side of Sri Lankan men had lost at the first trial and won the appeal hearing in the High Court. Its decision was confirmed on October 6 because the defendant (Japanese government) decided not to make a final appeal to the Supreme Court. As has been often noted, Japanese policy towards of foreigners has been exclusionary and insensitive of human rights. Since a Sri Lankan woman, Wishma Sandamali, died in March in the detention facility in Nagoya, criticism of the inhumanity and lack of transparency of the Immigration Services Agency has become more severe. The Tokyo High Court’s decision requires a fundamental review of the government’s stance toward immigration control administration in general.

The International Department of the Japan Scientists’ Association (JSA) supports the Tokyo High Court’s decision on September 22, 2021, and welcomes such a liberal atmosphere in which more and more Japanese think about foreigners’ rights and dignities. Traditionally, the Japanese administration has been reluctant to accept refugees. We hope for a fundamental change of immigration and refugee politics. Together with this, we emphasize that citizens in general and scientists in particular should strengthen their involvement in supporting the development of a multi-cultural society which does not discriminate against other nationalities.





