JSA International Department
May 8, 2021
The end of COVID-19 epidemics is still unforeseeable. In the final week of April, average daily infection amounted to around 5,000 in Japan. Medical institutions are overloaded with increasing patients in several regions. On April 23, the Japanese Administration issued a Declaration of State of Emergency in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Hyogo prefecture (from April 25 to May 11, but prolonged to May 31). In Japan, the ratio of vaccinated residents is far lower than that of many other countries as of April 28th. It is unlikely that Japan, especially Tokyo, where not only the infections cannot be controlled yet but is drastically increasing, can provide international athletes and their team members with safe environment. Medical professionals are not confident whether they can treat infected people as they are not being able to do so even for Japanese residents themselves.
The international commission of the Japan Scientists’ Association (JSA) doubts that the Olympics scheduled for this summer will be held safely. When Mr. Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), visits Japan, the JSA international commission will state that:
Accurately considering the present situation, we argue that it is impossible to hold the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in this summer forcibly. We hope the IOC will make a rational judgement based on scientific evidences.
コロナ禍の収束は依然として見通せない。日本では、4月末の1日あたり感染者数(直近1週間の平均値)は、約5000人に達した。患者数の増加が医療機関 の受け入れ能力を超える事態が、いくつかの地域で起こっている。政府は、4月23日、東京都、京都府、大阪府、兵庫県に緊急事態宣言を発出した(4月25日 から5月11日まで、その後5月31日まで延長)。4月28日時点における日本でのワクチン接種率は、諸外国に比べて著しく低い。東京都では感染は制御できておらず、感染者が増加している。日本が海外のアスリートや大会関係者に、安全な環境を提供できるとは考えにくい。医療従事者も、日本居住者の治療もままならない中で感染者に対応できるのか、確信が持てないでいる。