『日本の科学者』 2022年目次

2022年1月号 Vol.57 No.1 通巻648号

   まえがき   近藤真理子
   言葉の玉手箱   汐見稔幸,白川俊義,永田仁美,林大介
   子どもを取り巻く国の動きから,現場の今後の取り組みにむけて   汐見稔幸
   コロナウイルス禍における子どもの表現活動──あそびを保障すること   新田新一郎
   学校外の子どもの学び場から──コロナに振り回されず学ぶ   永田仁美
   新型コロナ“対話の授業”で学校に発達環境を取り戻す   白川俊義
   ・コロナウイルス禍におけるカナダの高校生活   近藤佳音
   子どもの意見表明権から見たコロナウイルス禍における発達保障   近藤真理子
   コロナウイルス禍における新教科「公共」の果たす役割と課題   林大介
   馬が先生,馬場が教室―─馬との対話を通した学び   峯﨑友香理
   シリーズ『気候変動から読みなおす日本史』をめぐって   中塚武,聞き手:三木敦朗
   フェミ科研費裁判は何を問うのか─―「私らしさ」を可能にする知   元橋利恵
   「黒い雨」再調査と34 年後の広島高裁判決   増田善信
   和気健二郎,養老孟司,後藤仁敏,坂井建雄,布施英利編『発生と進化 三木成夫記念シンポジウム集成』   白井浩子

2022年2月号 Vol.57 No.2 通巻649号

   まえがき   大竹美登利
   言葉の玉手箱   山口裕之,佐々木弾,丹羽徹,中富公一,重本直利
   第2次安倍政権以降の大学政策と憲法──国立大学法人を中心に   中富公一
   大学ガバナンス評価の矛盾──学問の自由とガバナンス形態   重本直利
   政府主導による医療系大学の教育統制   青木武生
   私立大学の管理運営と学校法人   丹羽徹
   企業体(リヴァイアサン)としての大学・研究機関──科学と社会への関係性と距離感   佐々木彈
   21世紀の大学の在り方──おもろいことに没頭する人が集う場所に   山口裕之
   国立大学改革と労働組合の役割──「大学の自治」の再構築のために   岡田健一郎
   コロナウイルス禍で浮き彫りになった「シフト制労働者の補償なし休業」──特に大きなしわ寄せを受けた女性労働者たち   増田麻衣子
   大学ファンドがもたらすもの   光本滋
   庶民に浸透していく道徳的心情   安井勝

2022年3月号 Vol.57 No.3 通巻650号

   まえがき   小滝豊美
   言葉の玉手箱   小滝豊美
   タマバエ類の生存戦略──地球上でもっとも多種多様な昆虫たち   徳田誠
   光を利用した昆虫の生存戦略と視覚応答を活用した農業技術   荻野拓海
   クロコガネ属の活動に見られる二日リズム   志賀向子,渡邉耕平
   ・サバクトビバッタの大発生:相説提唱100年   田中誠二
   ソロモン諸島でのシニアボランティア体験―─現地の農業NGOに派遣されて   太田和子
   新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴う第一回緊急事態宣言が研究者・技術者へ与えた影響―─弱い立場の研究者・技術者がさらなる困難に直面した   志牟田美佐,浜田盛久,三宅恵子,野尻美保子,小口千明,大坪久子
   先進技術取り込みにはやる防衛省の研究開発─―7年目の安全保障技術研究推進制度   井原聰
   「ペンタゴン・ペーパーズ」暴露から50年─―真実への着眼とダニエル・エルズバーグの遺産   藤本博
   コロナウイルス禍で進む人権の危機   青水司
   大学における非正規雇用と労働契約―─無期転換の先で見えてきたもの   高森識史,前田定孝
   障害者の移動の権利―─交通政策基本法に明文化を   岩本(持田)夏海

2022年4月号 Vol.57 No.4 通巻651号

   まえがき   真嶋麻子
   言葉の玉手箱   真嶋麻子
   女性研究者をめぐる今日の課題   朴木佳緒留
   「不安定雇用の立場の女性研究者の実情に関する質的調査」の方法および結果の概要   JSA女性研究者・技術者調査チーム
   任期付女性研究者にみる不安定雇用の実態   大竹美登利
   非常勤講師の場合──経済的状況,メリット・デメリット   衣川清子
   地方大学の不安定雇用の女性研究者の困難   廣森直子
   理系女性研究者の不安定雇用の実態──3名の理系女性研究者のライフヒストリー   笹倉万里子
   女性研究者の家庭生活──年齢別,世帯別の分析   斎藤悦子
   ・日米の不安定雇用の女性研究者たち──複合差別とマイノリティ女性   鄭幸子
   東京の木造密集市街地に魅せられて,しかし災害が怖い──特定非営利法人すみださわやかネットのご紹介   中島明子
   足柄の山林に惹かれて──環境教育として地域の森林を調べた30余年を振りかえる   佐々木園子

2022年5月号 Vol.57 No.5 通巻652号

   まえがき   後藤智
   言葉の玉手箱   後藤智
   地域に生きる──憲法を暮らしの中に生かす地域づくり   岡田知弘
   金沢市ガス・発電事業譲渡民営化問題   直江俊一
   新型コロナウイルス感染症流行と地域医療構想の問題点   寺西秀豊
   ・長野県厚生連佐久総合病院に改めて学ぶ地域医療活動   大浦栄次
   放射性廃棄物管理政策と地方自治──地域(北海道,若狭湾)の実情と関連づけて考える   小野一
   ・ひとつの思考実験「ニュークリアー・シルバー・ビレッジ」──課題共有と議論のための手がかりとして   小野一
   ・高レベル放射性廃棄物処分と市民意識   由田昭治
   富山県による有峰林道整備計画が絶滅危惧種ハクバサンショウウオに及ぼす影響   増田準三,横畑泰志,澤田研太
   ・山県の林道有峰線整備計画──市民と議会との連携で,ハクバサンショウウオの保全を   火爪弘子
   ながら見守りで食から地域づくり―─団地再生の現場から考える   湯川まゆみ
   ロシアによるウクライナ軍事侵攻―─われわれに何ができるか   藤本和貴夫
   ロシア軍事侵攻下のウクライナ科学界   E.クトリヤン,A.クレショフ
   独立警察監視機関とは何か―─そして,その意義とは   茶畑保夫
   311子ども甲状腺がん裁判提訴―─支援のお願い   井戸謙一
   畑明郎著『イタイイタイ病発生源対策50年史』   奥川光治

2022年6月号 Vol.57 No.6 通巻653号

   まえがき   近藤真理子
   言葉の玉手箱   安井勝,森下博,五島丸太,土佐いく子,山田正人
   1930年代の生活綴方における知の創出──子どもの生活と表現にねざす教育論を目指して   川地亜弥子
   学習集団づくりにおけるキーコンピテンシーと学習権の保障   近藤真理子
   ・OECDにおけるキーコンピテンシー   近藤真理子
   子どもを「人として育てる」立場から学力問題とICT教育を考える   森下博
   今,なぜ生活綴方教育か──子どもの声を聴く   土佐いく子
   支援学校での育ち・学び合い──正しいことより楽しいことから   五島丸太
   海外スタディツアー──意識が変われば世界が変わる   山田正人
   日本の教員養成における課題と展望   安井勝,藤本文朗
   URA は大学の教育研究にどう貢献できるか   坂口愛沙
   日本における在野研究の現状と可能性   嶋崎史崇

2022年7月号 Vol.57 No.7 通巻654号

   まえがき   長野八久
   言葉の玉手箱   吉田央
   現代の大学における教養教育の意味──生涯学習との関連において   藤田公仁子
   武力信仰に抗する教養教育   木戸衛一
   科学的思考の形成を目指した実験教育──基礎化学実験の実践から   山口和也
   農学部・工学部における哲学・倫理学教育の意義──専門教育との相互関係における人文系教養教育の試み   大倉茂,澤佳成
   大学における環境教育   竹内智
   教養としての「社会の仕組み」認識の意義──福島原発事故を題材として   吉田央
   「点の記」アナザーストーリー─―私の三角点ができるまで   大脇温子
   まちは劇場,アートは誰もが享受できるもの   甲賀雅章
   日本の科学技術発展阻害の例を秘密漏洩裁判に見る─―愛知製鋼による告訴事件で無罪判決   松田正久
   的場信敬・平岡俊一・上園昌武編著『エネルギー自立と持続可能な地域づくり─―環境先進国オーストリアに学ぶ』   関耕平

2022年8月号 Vol.57 No.8 通巻655号

   まえがき   吉岡宏祐
   言葉の玉手箱   吉岡宏祐
   アファーマティブ・アクション廃止派の台頭と「メディア」の役割   吉岡宏祐
   気候変動と民主主義の新しい仕組み   伊藤久徳
   民主主義的な「企業の変革」を   芦田文夫
   辺野古のたたかいが日本の地方自治・法治主義に与えたもの   徳田博人,亀山統一,前田定孝
   ・原発差止訴訟のパラダイムシフト   河合弘之
   ・高校生4人が選択的夫婦別姓制度の導入を求めて請願,宇治市議会が採択   長野八久
   寺子屋での学びのデザイン   堀内菜々美
   コロナウイルス禍における休業の実態分析   吉村さくら
   カリウムチャネルはK+イオンより小さなNa+イオンの通過をどのようにして阻止しているのか   老木成稔
   経済安全保障法による科学・技術の軍事動員と研究者支配   野村康秀
   身近な地域での活動の勧め─―民主的な地域社会を目指して   田島康弘

2022年9月号 Vol.57 No.9 通巻656号

   まえがき   藤本文朗
   言葉の玉手箱   田中義和,藤本文朗,青木道忠,柚木健一
   学校における不登校生徒への支援の課題と実際──中学校の教育現場から   森長はるみ
   ・不登校をふりかえる──ケセラセラで生きてきた   小林快実,近藤真理子
   ・「父親(おやじ)の会」と関わって──父親ならではの苦悩   上坂秀喜
   ・母として様々な仕事を続けてきて──今あらためてひきこもりの問題を考える   松原よし子
   登校拒否・不登校,社会的ひきこもりの支援──民間機関の立場から   柚木健一
   ・ひきこもる人とその家族を支える──NPO法人なでしこの会の20年   田中義和
   スウェーデンのひきこもりの若者の実態とそのとりくみ──早期発見と早期支援を中心とした継続的な社会支援   サリネンれい子
   ひきこもりの人々と歩む課題──事例の検討を通して   近藤真理子,田中義和,藤本文朗
   ひきこもる人の真の願いはどこにあるのか―─20年の支援活動を通して実感すること   青木道忠
   学生が考える大学の教養教育   出席者:横地夏海,谷口龍平,松江彩花,森島淳貴,司会:平野文
   国立大学法人,研究開発法人等における研究者,教員の大量雇止め   片山知史
   大阪大学における非常勤講師の労働契約をめぐって   長野八久
   松井英介遺稿・追悼集 編集委員会 編著『核のない未来を願って―─松井英介遺稿・追悼集』   山本富士夫
   高井逸史,藤本文朗,森下博,石井守 編著『ひきこもっていても元気に生きる』   安井勝

2022年10月号 Vol.57 No.10 通巻657号

   まえがき   藤巻晴行
   言葉の玉手箱   藤巻晴行
   気候変化・人口減少下での農村部における水災害──その特徴と持続的発展に及ぼす影響   渡部哲史
   昨今の豪雪がリンゴ園地の技術・経営に与える影響と対策──秋田県の事例から   櫻井健二
   水災害を和らげる農業への私たちの選択   佐藤了
   林業の多様化と森林の多面的機能の調整   三木敦朗
   ・りんごの産地での水害からの復興   菊地信行,菊池敏郎
   大災害期における農業と農村の役割──自立分散型ネットワーク社会の構築にむけて   粟生田忠雄
   ・ため池・田んぼダム・土壌の通気浸透促進などによる洪水緩和──流域治水のその先へ   粟生田忠雄
   都市と農村の高次再融合──気候変動と生命系の未来社会   伊藤恵子
   中途半端を極める─研究・広報・URA,科学へのいろいろな関わり方   中込咲綾
   20世紀資本主義の例外性についての確率的資源分配モデルによる理解   細木和輝
   生活保護引下げ違憲訴訟 熊本地裁判決の意義   髙木博史
   中本悟,松村博行 編著『米中経済摩擦の政治経済学─大国間の対立と国際秩序─』   増田正人
   小森陽一・浜矩子 編著『大借金男 百閒と漱石センセイ』   小倉久和
   JSAバーチャル大学院設立の提案   中塚武

2022年11月号 Vol.57 No.11 通巻658号

<特集> リニア中央新幹線計画の中止を求める
   まえがき   長田好弘
   トンネル建設の安全とリニア新幹線運行の保安──培われた安全を次世代に継承するために   大塚正幸
   メディアはリニア計画と対峙する市民運動をどう伝えたのか   樫田秀樹
   ・リニア中央新幹線の浮上走行の原理と走行騒音の実態,浮上コイルの信頼性   松永光司
   ・Q&A リニア新幹線の磁界は安全か?   中野貞彦
   コロナウイルス禍によるJR東海の経営悪化とリニア中央新幹線建設工事費の財源問題──「国策民営」の矛盾の露呈   桜井徹
   静岡県のリニア新幹線問題──リニアが壊す いのちの水,かけがえのない環境   林克
   ・静岡県リニア工事差止訴訟──経過と主な論点について   芳賀直哉
   谷埋め盛土の「最悪の事態」とは何か──熱海事件からトンネル残土問題を直視せよ   桂川雅信
   リニア新幹線計画の撤回・中止を求める運動に参加して   長田好弘
   ・リニア中央新幹線の環境アセスメント問題と訴訟   川村晃生
   ・リニア中央新幹線「明かり区間」の工事差止を求めて──土管列車が破壊する南アルプス市民の生活   梶山正三
   ・家の下 勝手にトンネル掘らないで!──田園調布リニア工事差止め訴訟   三木一彦
   ・県・市町一体で進められるリニア中央新幹線事業──情報公開文書から見えてきたもの   前田定孝
   ・重大な情勢変化を踏まえ,リニア中央新幹線事業は中止を   山添拓
   甲斐駒ヶ岳から光岳,加加森山へ 赤石山地の素描―─独りぼっちで入山する深い山,深い谷へのいろいろな関わり方   梶山正三
   私とリニア新幹線問題,中津川市長選に立候補   庄司善哉
   ストップ・リニア! 訴訟の経緯と多彩な講師によるシンポジウム   橋本良仁
   リニア委員会と諸団体の協働による研究成果   長田好弘

2022年12月号 Vol.57 No.12 通巻659号

<特集> 実効ある気候政策を迫る
   まえがき   長野八久
   言葉の玉手箱   長野八久
   差し迫る気候危機と国際社会の合意   編集委員会
   日本の脱石炭火力政策の問題点   島村健
   ・アンモニアを燃料として使う?   市村正也
   アメリカにおける気候変動訴訟の現況──訴訟を通じた気候正義の実現に向けて   大坂恵里
   2030年 四国における電力脱炭素化を実現するために   和田宰
   気候危機の中での市民の取り組み──エネルギーの地産地消を目指して   角田鉄人,竹本了悟
   学生食料支援実施のコツ─―まんぷくプロジェクト@桐生の場合   芦田朱乃
   これはどんな戦争なのか――ロシアのウクライナ侵攻   吉田賢右
   除去土壌の再生利用に関する備忘録   岩本(持田)夏海

Vol.57 No.1 January 2022

Readers’ Comments   Edited by the editorial committee

Ensuring Children’s Rights amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction:   KONDO Mariko
Glossary   SHIOMI Toshiyuki, SHIRAKAWA Shungi, NAGATA Hitomi, HAYASHI Daisuke
National Policies for Children’s Well-being, Carers’ Initiatives for the Future   SHIOMI Toshiyuki
Expressive Activities of Children at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: How to Guarantee Their Spontaneous Play   NITTA Shinichiro
Learning Places Outside Schools: How Can Children Get to Learn Unhindered by the Pandemic   NAGATA Hitomi
Let’s Get back Children’s Developmental Environment at School through Interactive Learning   SHIRAKAWA Shungi
〈Column〉How Had Our School Life in Canada Been Changed by the Pandemic   KONDO Kanon
Children’s Right to Express Sheds Light on the Issue of Securing Their Development in the COVID-19 Pandemic   HIROMORI Naoko
Roles and Challenges of the New Subject "Public" in the COVID-19 Pandemic   HAYASHI Daisuke


Interactive Learning with Horses in the Riding Practice Ground   MINEZAKI Yukari


From the Series “Rereading Japanese History through Climate Change”: Possibility of Dendrochronology Using Oxygen Isotope Ratios   NAKATSUKA Takeshi, (Interviewer) MIKI Atsuro


What does the “Femi-Kakenhi” Trial Ask?: The Intelligence That Makes Us Be “Ourselves”   MOTOHASHI Rie
The Re-investigation of “Black Rain” and the Hiroshima High Court Decision 34 Years Later   MASUDA Yoshinobu


‘Development and Evolution: Compilation of the Memorial Symposium in Honor of MIKI Shigeo’ Edited by WAKE Kenjiro, YORO Takeshi, GOTO Masatoshi, SAKAI Tatsuo and FUSE Hideto   Reviewed by SHIRAI Hiroko


Activities of the Japan Scientists’ Association   Edited by the office

Vol.57 No.2 February 2022

The Destiny of Contemporary Universities in Japan

Introduction:   OTAKE Midori
Glossary   YAMAGUCHI Hiroyuki, SASAKI Dan, NIWA Toru, NAKATOMI Koichi, SHIGEMOTO Naotoshi
University Policies after the Second Abe Administration against the Constitution: Focusing on National University Corporations   NAKATOMI Koichi
Contradictory Evaluations for University Governance: Academic Freedom and Governance Form   SHIGEMOTO Naotoshi
Education Control by the Government in Medical Universities   AOKI Takeo
Management and Administration of Private Universities and Incorporated Educational Institutions   NIWA Toru
The University As a Leviathan: Arm’s Length Relation to Science and Society   SASAKI Dan
An Ideal Vision for University in the 21th Century: For Universities as a Place Attracting People Who Devote Themselves to Their Interests   YAMAGUCHI Hiroyuki
Reformation of National Universities and the Role of Labor Union: For Reconstruction of “University Autonomy”   OKADA Kenichiro


“Non-Compensation for Reduction in Shift-Workers’ Working Time” in COVID-19 Calamity: Focusing on Particularly Hard-Hit Women Workers   MASUDA Maiko


What the University Fund Yields to University   MITSUMOTO Shigeru
Moral Sentiment that Permeates the Common People   YASUI Masaru


‘Why I Stopped Operation of the Nuclear Power Plants’ Written by HIGUCHI Hideaki   Reviewed by NISHIYAMA Yutaka

Readers’ Comments   Edited by the editorial committee


Activities of the Japan Scientists’ Association   Edited by the office

Vol.57 No.3 March 2022

Survival Strategies Plotted by Insects

Introduction:   KOTAKI Toyomi
Glossary   KOTAKI Toyomi
Survival Strategies of Gall Midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae): the Most Diverse and Speciose Insects on Earth   TOKUDA Makoto
Insect Survival Strategy Using Light and Its Application to Agricultural Technology   OGINO Takumi
The Two-day Rhythmicity in the Chafers, Holotrichia parallela and H. picea   SHIGA Sakiko, WATANABE Kohei
〈Column〉Locust Plague: 100th Anniversary of the Phase Theory   TANAKA Seiji


What I Learned as a Senior Volunteer at Solomon Islands: Working with a Local Agricultural NGO   OTA Kazuko


The Impact of the First State of Emergency Declaration due to COVID-19 Pandemic on Researchers and Engineers in Japan: Vulnerable Researchers and Engineers Faced Additional Arduousness   SHIMUTA Misa, HAMADA Morihisa, MIYAKE Keiko, NOJIRI Mihoko, OGUCHI Chiaki, OHTSUBO Hisako


Defense Ministry Wants to Incorporate Advanced Technology as Soon as Possible: 7 Years of Security Technology Research Promotion System of Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA)   IHARA Satoshi
The Pentagon Papers at 50: Truth and the Legacy of Daniel Ellsberg   FUJIMOTO Hiroshi
Crisis of Human Rights in the COVID-19 Pandemic   AOMI Tsukasa
Part-time Workers and Labor Contracts at Universities: The Perspective after the Transition to Non-Fixed-Term Labor Contracts   TAKAMORI Satoshi, MAEDA Sadataka
Right to Move for Persons with Disabilities Must Appear in the National Act on Transportation Policy   IWAMOTO-MOCHIDA Natsumi


Science Council of Japan, “Request for Rebuilding a New Relationship between the Government and SCJ”


‘Politics of Poverty, Nursing Care and Childcare: Toward a Welfare Nation based on Basic Assets’ Written by MIYAMOTO Taro   Reviewed by ONO Hajime
‘For Revolutionary Thoughts in the 21st Century; From Environmental, Agricultural and Digital Perspectives.’ Written by OZEKI Syuji   Reviewed by IWASA Shigeru

Readers’ Comments   Edited by the editorial committee


Activities of the Japan Scientists’ Association   Edited by the office

Vol.57 No.4 April 2022

Readers’ Comments   Edited by the editorial committee

Female Researchers in Unstable Employment: Gender Issues in Academia

Introduction:   MASHIMA Asako
Glossary   MASHIMA Asako
Current Status and Issues of Female Researchers   HONOKI Kaoru
Situation of Female Professional Non-regular Researchers: Results of the Qualitive Survey by the JSA Investigative Group about Female Researchers and Engineers   JSA Investigative Group about Female Researchers and Engineers
Unstable Situations of Female Professional Researchers with Fixed-Term Contract   OTAKE Midori
The Female Part-time Lecturer Issue: Their Economic Status, Merits and Demerits of Being Part-time Lecturers   KINUGAWA Kiyoko
Difficulties of Female Researchers at Universities in Non-Metropolitan Regions   HIROMORI Naoko
The Reality of Employment for Female Researchers in the Sciences: Life Histories of Three Female Researchers   SASAKURA Mariko
The Family Life of Female Researchers: Analysis by Age and Household Type   SAITO Etsuko
〈Column〉Precarious Employment of Female Scholars in the U.S. and Japan: Minority Women at the Intersection of Gender and Ethnicity   CHUNG Haeng-jav


Charmed by Dense Residential Neighborhood of Wooden Houses in Tokyo (and Scared of Possible Disasters): Introducing an NPO “Sumida Sawayaka Network”   NAKAJIMA Akiko


Educational Research on Regeneration of the Forest in a Mountainous Region of Minami-Ashigara City   SASAKI Sonoko


Activities of the Japan Scientists’ Association   Edited by the office

Vol.57 No.5 May 2022

Living in the Locality: The Significance of Local Self-Government by Inhabitants and the Direction of Locality Revitalization

Introduction:   GOTO Satoshi
Glossary   GOTO Satoshi
Living in the Locality: Building a Locality That Enlivens the Constitution in Daily Life   OKADA Tomohiro
Problems of the Gas and Generating Plant Privatization of Kanazawa Public Works Corporation   NAOE Shunichi
Problems with the Community Medical Plans amid the COVID-19 Pandemic   TERANISHI Hidetoyo
〈Column〉Community Medical Activities Learned Again from the Practices of Saku Central Hospital   OOURA Eiji
The Nuclear Waste Management Policies and Local Autonomy: A Consideration Related to Regional Situation Especially in Hokkaido and Wakasa-Bay Area   ONO Hajime
〈Column〉A Thought Experiment of “Nuclear Silver Village”   ONO Hajime
〈Column〉The Disposal of High Level Radioactive Waste and the Public Awareness   YOSHIDA Shoji
Influences of Arimine Forest Road Construction Program on an Endangered Species, Hakuba Salamander   MASUDA Junzo, YOKOHATA Yasushi, SAWADA Kenta
〈Column〉Construction of Arimine Forest Road by Toyama Pref: Conservation of Hakuba Salamander through Cooperation between Local Inhabitants and Toyama Prefectural Assembly HIZUME Hiroko


Less Demanding Watching Rounds over Solitary Meals: Revitalization of Housing Complexes in the Community   YUKAWA Mayumi


The Invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Army: What We can Do   FUJIMOTO Wakio


Protest Statements against the Russian Invasion into Ukraine
More Than 2,000 Russian Scientists and Journalists Make “Decisive Protests” against the Invasion into Ukraine


Scientific Ukraine under the Russian Invasion   Eduard KHUTORYAN, Alexei KULESHOV


A Statement by the Russian Union of Rectors A Call for support from the Ukrainian Scientific and Educational Community


Let's Think about the Independent Police Conduct Authority   CHABATA Yasuo Report on the 3.11 Child Thyroid Cancer Lawsuit: Call for Your Support   IDO Kenichi


‘The Fifty-Year-History of Measures against the Source of Itai-itai Disease’ Written by HATA Akio   Reviewed by OKUGAWA Koji

Readers’ Comments   Edited by the editorial committee


Activities of the Japan Scientists’ Association   Edited by the office

Vol.57 No.6 June 2022

Encouraging Youth Development through Their Expressive Activities in Schools

Introduction:   KONDO Mariko
Glossary   YASUI Masaru, MORISHITA Hiroshi, GOTOU Maruta, TOSA Ikuko, YAMADA Masato
Creating Knowledge in “Daily Life Writing” Movement in the 1930s: Towards a Pedagogy Based on Life and Expression   KAWAJI Ayako
Key Competencies and the Security of Learning Rights in Learning Group Building   KONDO Mariko
Considering Academic Achievement Issues and ICT Education from the Standpoint of Raising Children as “Humane” Beings   MORISHITA Hiroshi
The Role of Daily Life Writing in Contemporary Education: Listening to Children’s Voices   TOSA Ikuko
Cooperative Learning and Development in Special Needs Schools: Interesting and Enjoyable, Not Righteous, Is the Key to Students   GOTOU Maruta
Study Tours to Foreign Countries: By Getting Their Own Views of the World, the Youth Can Change the World   YAMADA Masato
Problems and Prospects in the Japanese Teacher Training   ASUI Masaru, FUJIMOTO Bunrou


How Can URA Contribute to University Education and Research ?   SAKAGUCHI Aisa


The Present Situation and Possibilities of Independent Scholarship in Japan   SHIMAZAKI Fumitaka

Readers’ Comments   Edited by the editorial committee


Activities of the Japan Scientists’ Association   Edited by the office

Vol.57 No.7 July 2022

General Education in Universities for People Living in Modern Society

Introduction:   NAGANO Yatsuhisa
Glossary   YOSHIDA Hiroshi
Is It the Liberal Arts Education or the General Education?: From the Perspective of Lifelong Learning   FUJITA Kuniko
The General and Liberal Education against Faith in Military Powers   KIDO Eiichi
Experimental Education Oriented to the Formation of Scientific Thinking: Practical Examples of Basic Chemistry Experiment Classes   YAMAGUCHI Kazuya
Significance of Teaching Philosophy and Ethics in the Faculties of Agriculture and Engineering: Attempts of Interaction of Liberal Arts Education in Humanities and Specialized Education   OHKURA Shigeru, SAWA Yoshinari
Environmental Education in University   TAKEUCHI SATOSHI
The Significance of Understanding Social System for Engineers and Scientists   OWAKI Atsuko


Another Story of “Ten-no-Ki”: Till I Get to My Triangulation Point   SAKAGUCHI Aisa


Theaters Are in the Streets, Where Everyone Enjoys Arts   KOGA Masaaki
Secret Leak Trial as an Example of Harming Developments of Science and Technology in Japan: Researchers Found Not Guilty in Aichi Steel Case   MATSUDA Masahisa


‘Energy Autonomy for Local Sustainability in Austria’ Written by MATOBA Nobutaka, HIRAOKA Shunichi, and UEZONO Masatake   Reviewed by SEKI Kohei

Readers’ Comments   Edited by the editorial committee


Activities of the Japan Scientists’ Association   Edited by the office

Vol.57 No.8 August 2022

The Contemporary Varieties of Democracy Revisited

Introduction:   YOSHIOKA Koyu
Glossary   YOSHIOKA Koyu
The Rise of the Anti-Affirmative Action Movement and the Role of the Media   YOSHIOKA Koyu
Climate Change and New Structures of Democracy   ITOH Hisanori
For Democratic “Reform of Companies”   ASHIDA Fumio
The Activities against US Henoko New Base by the Residents and the Local Government of Okinawa for a Quarter Century Which Have Promoted the Development of Autonomy and Nomocracy (Rule-of-Law) in Japan   TOKUDA Hiroto, KAMEYAMA Norikazu, MAEDA Sadataka
〈Column〉A Paradigm Shift in the Lawsuits Seeking an Injunction against Nuclear Power Plants   KAWAI Hiroyuki
〈Column〉Uji City Adopts the Petition Made by 4 High School Students Seeking for the Selective Surname System for Married Couples   NAGANO Yatsuhisa


A Designing Children’s Active Learning in “Terakoya” Workshop   HORIUCHI Nanami


Analyzing the Status of Furlough during the COVID-19 Disaster in Japan   YOSHIMURA Sakura


How Does the Potassium Channel Select K+ Ions over Smaller Na+ Ions?   OIKI Shigetoshi


Military Mobilization of Science and Technology, and Domination of Researchers under the Economic Security Promotion Act   NOMURA Yasuhide
Recommendation of Creating Campaigns in Familiar Areas: Aiming for a Democratic Community   TAJIMA Yasuhiro

Readers’ Comments   Edited by the editorial committee


Activities of the Japan Scientists’ Association Edited by the office

Vol.57 No.9 September 2022

Realizing the Contemporary Social Hikikomori Issue

Introduction:   FUJIMOTO Bunro
Glossary   TANAKA Yoshikazu, FUJIMOTO Bunro, AOKI Mititada, YUUKI Kenichi
Struggles for Education and Practical Support to Children Who Refuse School: Cases in a Junior High School   MORINAGA Harumi
〈Column〉 Looking Back on My School Refusal Days   KOBAYASHI Yoshinori, KONDO Mariko
〈Column〉 Struggles of Fathers of Hikikomori Persons   UESAKA Hideki
〈Column〉 A Mother Thinks about Hikikomori Issue Based on Her Work Experiences   MATSUBARA Yoshiko
A Private Organization Supports Children Who Refuse School and the Social Hikikomori Youth   YUZUKI Kenichi
〈Column〉 Supporting Hikikomori Persons and Their Families   TANAKA Yoshikazu
The Actual Situation of Young Hikikomori People in Sweden and Their Social Support: Continuous Social Support Centered on Early Discovery and Prompt Support   SALLINEN Reiko
Finding the Way to Stand by the Hikikomori Persons: Case Studies   KONDO Mariko, TANAKA Yoshikazu, FUJIMOTO Bunro


What do Hikikomori Persons Really Want?   AOKI Mititada


Students Talk about Liberal Arts in University Education   YOKOCHI Natsumi, TANIGUCHI Ryuhei, MATSUE Ayaka, MIRISHIMA Atsuki (Coordinator: HIRANO Aya)


Analyzing the Status of Furlough during the COVID-19 Disaster in Japan   YOSHIMURA Sakura


Mass Disemployment of Researchers and Faculty Members at National Universities and Institutes   KATAYAMA Satoshi
Labor Contract of Part-time Teachers in Osaka University   NAGANO Yatsuhisa


‘Matsui Eisuke's Manuscripts and Memorial Collection Wishing for a Nuclear-free Future’ Edited by Matsui Eisuke Memorial Publication Committee   Reviewed by YAMAMOTO Fujio
‘Live Well Even in Hikikomori’ Written by TAKAI Itsushi, FUJIMOTO Bunro, MORISHITA Hiroshi, ISHII Mamoru   Reviewed by YASUI Masaru

Readers’ Comments   Edited by the editorial committee


Report of the 53th Annual Meeting and the Resolutions of the Japan Scientists’ Association   Edited by the office
Activities of the Japan Scientists’ Association   Edited by the office

Vol.57 No.10 October 2022

Readers’ Comments   Edited by the editorial committee

Agriculture and Forestry in the Era of Exacerbating Disasters

Introduction:   FUJIMAKI Haruyuki
Glossary   FUJIMAKI Haruyuki
Water-Related Disasters in Rural Areas under Climate Change and Depopulation: Their Characteristics and Impacts on Sustainable Development   WATANABE Satoshi
The Impact of Recent Heavy Snowfall on Technology and Management at Apple Orchards and the Countermeasures Taken in Akita Prefecture   SAKURAI Kenji
Our Choices for Agriculture to Mitigate Flood Damage: An Approach from the Viewpoint of Farm Management   SATO Satoru
Diversity of Forestry and Adjusting for Multiple Functions of Forest   MIKI Aturo
〈Column〉 Recovery from Flood Disaster in Apple Orchards   KIKUCHI Nobuyuki, KIKUCHI Toshirou
The Role of Agriculture and Rural Communities during and after Disasters: The Construction of a Self-Reliant and Decentralized Networked Society   AODA Tadao
〈Column〉 Utilization of Flood Control Functions of Reservoirs and Paddy Field Dams: Considering River Basin Management   AODA Tadao
Higher-Order Refusion of Cities and Farm Villages: Climate Change and Future Society Based on Systems of Life   ITO Keiko


Somewhere in Between: Being a Researcher, Public Officer and University Research Administrator, with Various Involvements in Science   NAKAGOMI Saya


Exceptional Capitalism in the 20th Century Revealed by a Stochastic Dispensation Model   HOSOGI Kazuki


Significance of the Kumamoto District Court Decision Which Declared Reduction of Public Assistance Unconstitutional   TAKAGI Hiroshi


‘The Political Economy of the US-China Economic Friction’ Edited by NAKAMOTO Satoru, MATSUMURA Hiroyuki   Reviewed by MASUDA Masato
‘Master Soseki and His Disciple Hyakken Who Rose in Debt’ Written by KOMORI Yoichi, HAMA Noriko   Reviewed by OGURA Hisakazu


Activities of the Japan Scientists’ Association   Edited by the office
A Proposal on the Establishment of “JSA Virtual Graduate School”: Toward Entire Activation of Societal Role and Organization of JSA   NAKATSUKA Takeshi

Vol.57 No.11 November 2022

Stop the High-Speed Maglev Transport System

Introduction:   OSADA Yoshihiro
Tunnel Construction Safety and Operational Security of the Maglev Transport System   OHTSUKA Masayuki
How Have the Mass Media Reported the Citizens’ Movements against the Maglev Transport ystem?   KASHIDA Hideki
〈Column〉 Levitation Mechanism of the Maglev Train and its Running Noise, Reliability of Levitation Coil   MATSUNAGA Mitsushi
〈Column〉 Is the Magnetic Field of the Superconducting Maglev Train Safe ?   NAKANO Sadahiko
JR Tokai’s Performance Worsening under COVID-19 Pandemic and Financing Difficulties of the Maglev-Transport System Construction: A Contradiction of ”Private-Motivated National Policy” Project   SAKURAI Toru
The Maglev Transport System Deprives Water of Life and Destroys the Environment in Shizuoka Prefecture   HAYASHI Katsuhi
〈Column〉 Injunction Lawsuit against Construction of the Maglev Transport System in Shizuoka Prefecture : Its Progress and Major Issues   HAGA Naoya
The Worst Disaster from the Huge Amount of Tunneling Waste Disposed in Valleys   KATSURAGAWA Masanobu
The Solidarity between Citizens and JSA to Stop the Maglev Transport System   OSADA Yoshihiro
〈Column〉 An Environmental Impact Assessment of the Maglev Transport System and its Lawsuit   KAWAMURA Teruo
〈Column〉 Seeking an Injunction against the Construction of the "Light Section" of the Maglev Transport System to Protect Lives of Citizens in Minami Alps City   KAJIYAMA Shozo
〈Column〉 Don’t Dig the Underground Tunnel in My Place of Residence   MIKI Kazuhiko
〈Column〉 A Critical Study of the Prefectural-Municipal Joint Project of the Maglev Transport System through the Publicly Disclosed Documents   MAEDA Sadataka
〈Column〉 Significant Changes in Social Situation Require Abandoning of the Maglev Transport System   YAMAZOE Taku


Drawing of the Akaishi Mountains from Mt. Kaikomagatake to Mt. Tekaridake and Mt. Kagamori: Solitary Stays in Deep Mountains, Deep Valleys   KAJIYAMA Shozo


The Maglev Transport System and My Candidacy for Mayoral Election of Nakatsugawa City   SHOJI Zenya
A Lawsuit against Maglev Transport System and Various Talks in the Related Symposia   HASHIMOTO Yoshihiro


The List of Talks in the Related Symposia and the Record of Activities   OSADA Yoshihiro


Activities of the Japan Scientists’ Association   Edited by the office

Vol.57 No.12 December 2022

Seeking for Right and Effective Climate Policies

Introduction:   NAGANO Yatsuhisa
Glossary   NAGANO Yatsuhisa
International Society Urgently Requires Immediate Global Actions to Prevent Climate Crisis   Editorial Committee
Japanese Policies for Coal Phase-Out: A Critical Analysis   SHIMAMURA Takeshi
Why Do They Like to Use Ammonia as a Fuel ?   ICHIMURA Masaya
Recent Trends in the U.S. Climate Change Litigation: Climate Justice Sought through the Courts   OSAKA Eri
To Make Electric Power in Shikoku Island Carbon Free by 2030   WADA Tsukasa
Citizens' Efforts in the Climate Crisis: Aiming for Local Energy Production for Local Consumption   TSUNODA Tetsuto, TAKEMOTO Ryogo


Tips to Organize Food Aid for College Students: From the Case of Manpuku Project @Kiryu   ASHIDA Akeno


What Is This War?: Russian Invasion to Ukraine   YOSHIDA Masasuke
A Memorandum on the Recycling of Radio-Active Soil Accumulated after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident   IWAMOTO-MOCHIDA Natsumi

Readers’ Comments   Edited by the editorial committee


Activities of the Japan Scientists’ Association   Edited by the office
General Contents of Journal of Japanese Scientists, Vol. 57, No.1-12 (2022)
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