What is gJSA-ACTh

  1. Mitigation of Climate Change is a long-term task of the whole international community and its successful realization requires the formation of a global consensus on LONG TERM CLIMATE TARGETS (gwhat must be the upper limits to the temperature rise and global emission of greenhouse gasses throughout the 21st century?h). gJSA-ACTh intends to promote the formation of such a consensus by providing its visitors with the latest information regarding official views on Long Term Climate Targets and related statistical data igreenhouse gas emissions, their concentrations in the atmosphere, global mean temperaturejin the form of tables and diagrams.

  2. gJSAh is the acronym for the organization that created the website: gJapan Scientistsf Associationh. Details of the JSA can be found at http://jsa.gr.jp/intl/.

  3. gACTh stands for gAnnounced Climate Targetsh. It also represents a call to the governments that have not yet expressed their views on the global action goals: gAnnounce your Climate Targets!h Finally it is an appeal addressed to everyone to ACT to counter the advancing threat of Climate Change.

  4. Those who intend to utilize the contents of this site in their articles, presentations etc. are kindly requested to mention the source. The same applies to their use in teaching materials, pamphlets etc. In case of their use in papers, magazines or other printed material, we would appreciate receiving a copy at the address below. It will be a great help to us in improving the website.
    gJSA-ACTh @C/O Japan Scientistsf Association iKyoto Branchj
    Minami-kan 3rd Fl., Nijo-Kawaramachi nishiiru, Kyoto, Japan 604-0931

  5. We welcome links to our website on any web home page. In that event, please inform us at

  6. We also welcome that the contents of this site be translated into languages other than Japanese and English and published on the Internet. In that event, please inform us of the URL at the above e-mail address so that we may put a link to it on our site.@

  7. We would greatly appreciate receiving any comments, critical remarks and proposals with regards to our site (also to the above e-mail address).
Let us act together to combat the threat of climate change!

Autumn 2005
gJSA-ACTh Coordinator Yuzo TANAKA
(Prof. Emer., Ryukoku univ. )