Adopted in the 38th General Assembly of the JSA, 27 May 2007 in Tokyo
On the rise of a narrow-minded nationalism and neoliberalism, revision of the Constitution is aimed to rebuild the nation to wage war, and gaps in every area of labor, education, welfare, and medical care are growing. And academic discipline and concept of science and technology are distorted. The 38th General Assembly of the JSA was held under such circumstances. Wishing to utilize science and establish its correct development for human kind, the association opposes those actions against human progression and peace, and thus resolved to take the following activities.
1. Studying for human existence and peaceful prosperity, and working with the society
By collective effort of branches, research committee and new ad hoc commission we full shall promote the following actions: 1) To academically clarify various aspects of universality of the pacifism and the thought of respecting human rights advocated in the Constitution, and 2) To seek ordering of educational condition blocking application of the revised Fundamental Law of Education.
Vitalizing all research activities of branches and districts, we intensify firm fixation and promote cooperation and exchange among them. We hold the Scientists’ Forum in Kyoto as a session of the World Conference Against A&H Bombs and the 17th Comprehensive Scientific Study Convention in Aichi.
2. Voicing and acting for the true development of higher education and science-technology
In Japan conditions under which academic discipline and science-technology are able to contribute to peace and welfare for human beings are rapidly being thrown away. To overcome this critical situation, the association enforces activities based on social responsibility and the discussion about scientists’ rights and position and ethics which were confirmed in this GA.
We concretely take the following actions: 1) Full check of problems on education and research raised by the privatization of national and public universities, reveal their real situations in symposia or so, and make results and proposals public, 2) Making a necessary proposal and transmit of information for the 3rd Basic Plan of Science and Technology, and 3) Developing movements to protect rights and positions of women scientists and researchers-technician in private companies.
3. Enhancing chances for members to come together and make a discussion for activities Rebuilding and bolstering up branches and chapters is the subject without delay. By gathering and attacking subjects together with various fields of researchers, scientists grow up and execute their social responsibility and build up fellowship. We rebuild branches and chapters from the viewpoint to take advantage of the association’s charm and significance of existence. It is very significant for branches and chapters to take efforts as where graduate students and the youth develop. We shall provide them a chance to profoundly think about the meaning of science and scientists, practice and discuss education-study system and social issues.
4. Improving organization control, practice, and activity style in order to revitalize activities and exert the association’s significance of existence
The association is shrinking and aging, which should be overcome. The council and the executive council, relying on branches and chapters, encourage branches’ participation so as to effectively grapple nationwide subjects. We enlarge membership to make finance sound and secure leaders. We shall maintain routine links between the executive council and branches and chapters, strive to streamline routine work, support original actions, and advance exchange of experiences and information.
The Japan Scientists’ Association declares to carry out its responsibility confirming determination to sincerely pursue its ends and practice these subjects.
A number of gatherings are held by the JSA alone or in cooperation with other friendly organizations
As to intellectual rights about patent, trade mark, new plant species, and anti-competitive practices, problems relative to such as invention by a corporation researcher and pirated copies and so on have recently been raised. The gathering was organized to discuss such problems from civic and national viewpoint. This time the following two themes were taken up.
(1) The problem of the protection term enhancement
Although the period of protection is at present defined 50 years after author’s death, the Cabinet intends to enhance the period till 70 years, as the Cabinet’s “2006 Promotion plan of intellectual properties” states: The protection term of film copy right has been enhanced till 70 years since publication. Taking account of balance of whole protect term of copy right, for other copyrights the period should be examined, and the conclusion will be made in 2007.
Generally the copyright in Japan is protected during 50 years because utilization to create
new culture should not be protected for good, but Japan Writer’s Association and other groups of creators appealed to seek to enhance the protection term. Their chief reason is “International level of protection of copyright is needed”, while there are opposite voices such as “Old works as materials in the public domain are source of new creation. Today people are both an author and a user. Prolongation of monopoly, enhancing the period of protect term, would harm creation.” The 1988 Copy Right Act in the USA is called “Mickey Mouse Protection Act”, which was established
Participants recognized that one who has the benefit of the enlargement of protection term is the corporation possessing publishing right rather than successors and necessary is to analyze copyright industries from the aspect of national strategy.
(2) Intellectual property problems in corporations
Recent discussion on value of corporation focuses on spread of M&A and splitting company. To price the value of a company, investors estimate immaterial assets outside the balance-sheet because they indicate capability of the company. Investors thus demand disclosure of the information of intellectual assets as elements of innovation. In response to suggestion of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to report intellectual fortunes and assets, 40 companies are disclosing the investor relations. However the public does not know the disclosure possibly render patent invalid. Notice the controversial fact that detailed information causes intellectual strategies and discloses the actual research development, which possibly might be targeted at by M&A. That is a double-edged sword caused by commercialization of firms, furthermore would be pushed ahead. It is desired to reconsider the meaning of intellectual property. We assert that the role of science and technology which creates intellectual properties such as process innovation and product innovation should be materializing security of human existence and diversity of human life.
The day February 11 is assigned to the National Foundation Day by the law, but the Day is still in controversy. The above meeting was held in Tokyo by collaboration including JSA and 250 people attended it. The slogan adopted was “Let us extend the spirit of Article 9 of Japanese Constitution to the world!”
In the opening the history of the National Foundation Day was reviewed. The Day was determined by law in 1967. However, February 11 is the new year’s day of the Japanese old calendar and is related to the myth that the first emperor Jinmu ascended the throne. Many people objected this determination because that may lead the historical view on the basis of the emperor system.
Prof. Obinata (Waseda University) gave a talk with the title “The view of Abe cabinet on the Japanese history”. The view is characterized to be the refuse of recognizing World War II as the war of Japanese aggression and to beautify the Yasukuni Shrine where Class A war crimes are worshiped. The professor summarized points as follows: The missions of the cabinet are 1) changing the Article 9 of the Constitution to send overseas the Self-Defense Force, 2) repairing the relation with Asian countries, and 3) continuing the so-called structure changes started by the previous cabinet. The cabinet actually has an intend to revise the Fundamental Law of Education, promote the Defense Agency to a ministry and enact voting law to change the Constitution. However, the cabinet’s view would make a very difficult relation with Asian countries, sometimes meeting with the US’s opposition. The approval rate of the cabinet is decreasing. Prof. Obinata pointed out that the turning point is whether the people supports or rejects the Abe cabinet’s historical perception and antiforeignism.
The next talk on the Japan-US relation in the world was given by Mr. Matsuo (journalist). He reported the recent changes in the US-Japan relation on security policy. The sixth article of US-Japan Security Treaty only approves the use of US bases when some country’s forces approach Japan. In 1992, when the North Korea was suspected to have nuclear weapons, the US government sounded out the Japanese opinions about the cooperation with the US force, but the Japanese government could not present to attend the operation because of constraints by laws. After that, both governments agreed the so-called new guideline that re-defined the interpretations of the US-Japan Security Treaty. Based on this agreement, a legal framework for war contingencies was made in Japan. Moreover in 2003, following the Iraq war by the US, Japan extended the area relating Japanese security to almost all over the world including the Middle East. The Japanese government is going to promote the status of the Defense Agency (later the Defense Ministry) and assigned the overseas works as the main roles of the Defense-Force. Mr. Matsuo stressed that change of Article 9 of the Constitution is schemed in order to complete these ends.
The JSA headquarters organize a number of research committees and groups undertaken
on a nationwide scale, which are encouraging the members across th country
The research committee for bioethics, established in 2000, has been active on proposing many guidelines and suggestions to the governmental as well as public organs, which includes the guidelines for a specified embryo-manipulating technology and a fertilization-aiding technology, and a suggestion of the professional ethical code for medical doctors to Japan Medical Association. The research results have been publicized in the CSSC (comprehensive scientific study convention) organized by the headquarters, where the committee discussed (1) bioethics relating to medical care and pharmacy in which human dignity must be established, (2) bioethics describing a ground theory against market principle or theory, and (3) medical care system supporting patients’ rehabilitation by enhancing their autonomous ability.
On the other hand, the committee introduced the world declaration for bioethics and human rights adopted at the UNESCO general assembly. Also, the committee organized a symposium entitled “Thinking of the medical care for the prolongation of life – Is it guilty or not whether any doctor takes out an artificial respiratory appliance?” In the meeting, they extensively discussed the ethical question regarding to the terminal care.
On January 12, 2007, the committee held a lecture meeting entitled “Present issues of the theory of socialism” inviting Dr. Nagasuna (socialist economy, Emeritus Prof. of Kansai Univ.). The lecture dealt with several problems such as 1) how to estimate vitality of scientific socialism, 2) whether the USSR was socialistic or not, 3) whether China is socialistic or not, and 4) how to prospect the way towards socialism in the 21st century. Although the socialism and communism that K. Marx set forth are the only ones which overcome capitalism, he said, to discuss socialism we need arguments from free viewpoints, and expressed his opinions: It is meaningful to suppose a transition period and another concept, a two-step development via socialism toward communism. A success at utilization of market in China and Vet Nam cannot directly serve as a reference to design the future of Japan. Subsequently the problem of socialism and market was enthusiastically discussed, for instance, a view that in future society the market mechanism will be dismissed but we have not still an alternative resource-sharing mechanism.3) RELOCATION PROBLEM OF THE TSUKIJI FISH MARKET
The Tokyo metropolitan government is promoting a plan to relocate the Tsukiji fish market to a former Tokyo Gas factory site, and use the Tsukiji site as “Media Center” of Tokyo Olympic. Concerning this planning the Japan Environmental Association and the JSA research committee of pollution and environmental problems organized a symposium (Feb. 11) and a field investigation (Feb. 12).
The symposium was held at National Cancer Center, where attended 250 participants and 20 newspaper reporters. According to four lectures the following were questioned. At the post factory site the soil and underground water are polluted by toxic substances. It is now under construction for disposal of contaminated soil. However, there is still a danger of leaching of contaminated water. The relocation threatens food safety. In case of an inland earthquake in Tokyo, muddy water would gush up from the ground according to liquefaction and side floating. From the medical viewpoint toxic substances detected at the post factory site lead multifunction and interaction into the body, hence it is necessary to regulate a safety standard. As for decontamination it should be referred that hexavalent chromium which has once been sealed off by the Tokyo metropolitan government is leaking 30 years after. In the panel discussion was expressed an opinion that the Tsukiji fish market is a spot a lot of foreign sightseers visit, Tsukiji is a brand name, and so the site must be left intact for the sake to protect Japanese food culture.
The topics on food staff lately have been in newspapers such as a sudden rise in price of cone for food processing due to the bioethanol production, academy award-winning documentary, and “an inconvenient truth” by Al Gore, former the US vice president. The research committee for foodstuff problems organized a regular meeting to obtain more knowledge of the topics in Tokyo on February 17. Dr. Saiki (Japan Alcohol Assoc.) was invited and gave a lecture on bio-ethanol production using biomass in the pretext of global warming strategy. The following is a summary of the lecture.
In regard to the utilization of biomass, Japan seems to be a backward country. According to the data shown in the lecture, Brazil is front-running and USA increases rapidly in the bioethanol production in the world. In 2006, both countries account for 70 % of total production. China and India run after them, and Russia and EU are following, while Japan approximates to zero in the bioethanol production. The necessity of bioethanol production is emphasized in the pretext of global warming strategy. The estimated amounts of fossil fuels deposits are predicted to be eight hundreds of billion ton as Carbon. On the other hands, those of biomass are 840 billion ton as Carbon and 80 billon ton a year are produced. The amounts of energy consumption are 10 billion a year. The task is how much biomass is utilized. Agriculture should be kept up. The speaker also showed interesting data on the balance of energy production and utilization of materials. In USA, the case of cone showed the ratio of 1.27 (output/input). The additional utilization of stalk improves the ratio. In Brazil the case of cane showed the ratio of 9.2 which is very efficient. He raised the utilization of minimum access rice as a tentative measure in Japan. But, as a matter of fact, there are only one ethanol production factory and few engineers.
There were various hot discussions, that is, the policy of the Abe Cabinet, the possibilities of utilization of cone, sugarcane, sweet potato, rice and rice straw. Finally it is recognized that Japan is extremely falling behind leading countries.
The committee started to study science education in elementary, middle and high schools in 1995. Now the committee conducts the research of education practice and the Fundamental Law of Education. Education should be performed conforming to the principle, “Actualization of peace based on democracy and acting on children’s position”. However it was made clear after WWII thanks for the Constitution and the Fundamental Law of Education, under main leadership of business circle and the education administrative person, education has not been exercised on that principle. As a result various problems were arisen around children and education. Furthermore they will bury the principle, trample children’s right of development and growth and make education poorer. In addition they have deprived instructors of the freedom of education practice and research, which deteriorated education. The committee has studied the problem “What education is in children’s place?” based on the above essential principle. What became clear in the study are: 1) Children’s requests for learning develop with their growth and education must correspond to the development, 2) Children have rich request for study, but which is not expressed without working based on peace, democracy and human history.
The JSA consisits of 47 branches which are grouped into
9 districts, and they are independently
and/or cooperatively carrying out
their activities in addition to the headquarters' ones
The four JSA branches in Shikoku district hold “Shikoku symposium” every other year. The symposium of 2006 was held on November 25 at Kochi University. The theme of the symposium was Recently the result of education and research not only being required from the university that is accumulation place of knowledge, also contribution to area community and role of activation are required. In the symposium, introduction and experience interchange of the regional cooperation undertaking in Shikoku district was done.
Two reports were presented: “Health promotion support based on Evidence” by Tokushima University and “Execution of regional economy circumstance investigation” by Ehime University. Rapid enlargement of the industry-government-university cooperation in Kagawa University, Tokushima University and Kochi University was reported. Kagawa University and Kochi University have been regarded as regional contribution undertaking. On the one hand Tokushima University has regarded this as acquisition of competitive research fund. Because of that the original regional contribution undertaking in Tokushima University is meager.
Oita branch hosted “the Kyusyu symposium” on November 25-26, 2006 at Oita city with about 30 participants. The theme of the symposium was “Reconsideration of university and region in 21st century”. The titles and reporters on the first day were as follows; “Future of Kyushu Institute of Technology, education and research after incorporation” by T. Nishigaki, ”Present condition of Miyazaki university after incorporation” by S. Osada, ” Problems after incorporation; Thought in more than 3 years as a president assistant” by N. Hashimoto, “Present condition of Ryukyu university after incorporation” by E. Sakai, “Present condition and topic of faculty of education” by S. Yamashita, “About the democratization of president election” by S. Kinoshita. On the second day, problems of region were discussed. The reports presented were as follows; “Present condition and topic of the municipalities merger in Miyazaki prefecture” by T. Iriya, “Transfiguration of the village society in mountain area under Heisei municipalities - analysis of Kamitsue-cho in Hita city of Oita prefecture” by N. Sato, “Problems of the municipalities merger in Oita prefecture” by T. Takashima, “Large-sized store business and town making of Nagasaki prefecture” by S. Yoshida, “Saeki harbor service and Oiri island reclamation problem” by K. Aida.
The large-scale merger of Heisei raised the problem that the administrative service such as welfare, medical care and education in sparsely populated area decreases substantially.
The Fukuoka environmental study meeting was held on December 2 at Fukuoka satellite, Kurume University, where Prof. Kawachi (Kurume Univ.) gave a lecture on “Kleingarten”.
Allotment is set up nowadays everywhere in Japan. There are private vegetable gardens just in front of house from of old, but are not many, although we may not call them “kleingarten”. In Germany, however, on going for a walk in the residential suburb we find many “kleingarten” to learn that “kleingarten” has a political sense considering “environment, safety of food and health”. German “kleingarten” has a history and is a culture. In the middle of 19th century, Dr. Schreber pointed out the necessity of a playground in order to protect the health of children from the bad housing environment caused by the urbanization due to the Industrial Revolution. The “kleingarten” is a vegetable garden and has a playground at the same time. It has also another meaning that is to supply the place for the return of health from the bad environment of factory workers. It has considerably contributed to the self sufficiency of citizens during the days of the food crisis.
Russia is in a similar situation. The family garden called “darcha” or “дача”helps many citizens’ self sufficiency to supplement the delayed payment of wages and rationed foods.
Considering Japanese situation, production of home made vegetables from the family garden secures safe and reliable vegetables and also supplies useful methods to raise the degree of self-sufficiency and to reduce garbage. This is reasonable, because even school children who dislike vegetables enjoy fully the vegetables which they produce at the comprehensive study class. It is reported that children have the same tendency in the case of home made vegetables from the family garden. The family garden is also useful for the “dankai”-cluster generation- which was the name given to the Japan’s post WWII baby boomers. The family garden has a big expectation, that is, “one stone can kill three or four birds”, because it establishes the food safety, cuts the food expenses, secures the self-sufficiency in spite of the gradual decreasing of Pension. From this viewpoint, it is worthwhile for local governments to lend unused lands or abandoned farmlands to citizens as the family gardens.
The Upper House at its plenary session on December 15 passed the Defense Ministry-related bill with the majority approval of the Liberal Democratic, Komei, Democratic and People’s New parties (the Japanese Communist and Social Democratic parties voted against the bill that would completely transform Japanese defense policy). The new law passed against a number of citizens’ voices “no” mandates that the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) engage in oversea activities as their primary task, and upgrades the status of the Defense Agency to the Department of Defense. The SDF’s oversea mission as its principal task basically violates Article 9 of the Constitution, and preempts an adverse revision of the Constitution, at which the above parties voted “aye” have long been aiming. The Department of Defense then functioned from January 9, 2007. However, it should be criticized that premier Abe for describing the Department inauguration as a departure from the post-war regime, indicating that premier Abe has no hesitation in denying Japan’s post-war history in which the Constitution was adopted on the basis of remorse over the past war of aggression. It should also be emphasized that the inauguration of the Department is an extremely dangerous move made in conjunction with premier Abe’s declaration of his willingness to revise the Constitution during his tenure, to make a revision of the Constitution a point of issue in the coming Upper House election, and to reinterpret the Constitution in order to enable Japan to exercise the right of collective self-defense.
The Hyogo branch organized a regular meeting “What happens in Japan after the inauguration of The Department of Defense” on January 13 in Kobe City, where Prof. Wada (Kobe Univ.) gave a seminar on the theme “Development of military-related legislations after 1990s and the question of adversely revising the Constitution of Japan”. He pointed out (1) Japan should take an initiative for developing the real meaning of the United Nations charter to the world society, and (2) the future peace movement must be linking to citizens’ protection of their lives in differential society governed by neo-liberalism.
The environmental research group of the Fukuoka branch held a regular meeting, where Mr. Ikeda (a photograph amateur) was invited to give a lecture entitled above on February 17. He returned to his home town after retirement and has been taking a number of photos of Chikugo at all seasons. He showed not only the river-side scenery but also his view about “the environmental change, the actual conditions of the environmental destruction and the change of the river” based on his careful observation. Participants were impressed by his professional techniques for scenery photos such as selection of the best place, a period of time and season.
There was one valuable photo, which clearly showed the evidence that the forest rich in trees never made the river muddy even in rainy days, although nobody has showed the actual state. On the other hand, another photos showed a horrible scene that the big typhoon caused severe damages on planted Japanese cedar and cypress that were not yet recovered. These phenomena increased amounts of sand flow into the river, filling up the barrier against landslip with sands and then the dam with a huge amount of drift woods. This fact is, in most cases, caused by unimproved mountains. The forestry is depressed by the increase in imported timbers, and the forests are left not thinned. It causes a disaster as an inevitable consequence. The social background is not simple, but has the tangle of problems such as depopulation, a shortage of manpower due to the aging, disincentive, an increase in costs and an economic problem.
As a matter of fact, the water power generation is not ecological from the point of view of river environment, although it was considered as a clean energy. The water taken for the generation is carried far away, which dried up the river and became unable to feed aquatic life. The dam inhibits the erosive action, moving and sedimentation by water. Middle and downstream of Chikugo the sand is not accumulated. The sandbank ever appeared downstream of Chikugo has turned to the field flats in the Ariake Sea. This causes the decrease of egg-lying sites of Colia nasus, the special products of Chikugo River.
The Journal of Japanese Scientists or NIHON
NO KAGAKUSHA (in Japanese) covering all the
scientific fields is monthly
published and distributed to all the members and other readers
Vol.42 (No.3)(2007)
[Title-page message]
Komorita, S.: Talk together about the future with hope – Thinking about the Constitution of Japan
[Special issue: Regeneration of public transportation system in local cities of Japan]
Ujikawa, K.: Introduction
Hirohara, M.: Urban transportation system and urban planning in the 21st century
Izumi, T.: Towards a “Transit model town” in Okayama City
Kawakami, Y.: Paradigm-shift of transportation planning in Fukui City
Kodama, K.: Reduction of energy consumption and shift to public transportation system – From the viewpoint of Ishikawa Prefecture
Terao, T.: Two opinions on the education reformation
Kasuga, M.: Life style of present-day students
Miyazaki, T.: Neew type of hot spring in Tokai district – Non-volcanic hot spring from deep wells
[Series: Constitution of Japan (1)]
Kawakami, A.: The origin of peace design for Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan
Matsunaga, M.: A comment on “Principles of strategic policy of science and technology of Japan”
[Series: Crisis in universities and research institutes in Japan (5)]
Miyahara, T.: Present status of Tokyo Metropolitan University and roles of the labor union
Vol.42 (No.4)(2007)
[Title-page message]
Ikeuchi, S.: From non-military to non-invasion, then …
[Special issue: The native biodiversity is undermined by invasive alien species – The cases in animals]
Hiroki, S.: Introduction
Yokohata, Y.: Problems of the alien species of mammals in Japan
Kaneda, M.: Current state of invasive alien, feral raccoon in Japan
Aoki, W.: Peaceful space applications and the proposed basic law of space
Matsushiro, A.: Paris news
Fukasawa, H.: The religious and scientific thinking in the contemporary society
Inaba, M.: The organic rice cultivation increases biodiversity of wildlife in paddy field
Matsui, Y.: Recent topics of butterfly studies
[Series: Crisis in universities and research institutes in Japan (3)]
Iwashita, S.: Violation of researcher’s rights at a private basic research institute
Vol.42 (No.5)(2007)
[Title-page message]
Sugano, R.: Necessity of science education as literacy
[Special issue: Risk assessment for food safety and complacency – Scoop out and rectify the present difficulties]
Namai, H.: Introduction
Kamiyama, M.: Various problems involved in governmental risk assessment of food additives and health foods
Nakajima, T.: Historical analysis regarding risk assessment on food safety and the pitfall of relying on expertise, focusing on the Morinaga Arsenic Dry Milk Incident
Hirakawa, H.: Science and politics in risk analysis – Reconsideration of value-neutrality of science
Yanagihara, T.: The mystery of risk assessment – Search for structure of judgment on risk assessment
Iwamoto, S.: Discussion on denial of “Human-induced global warming”
Asakawa, T.: Philosophy of Mr. Tanzan Ishibashi and its current meaning
[Series: Constitution of Japan (3)]
Yamaguchi, H.: US soldiers as a focal point of antiwar movements
[Series: Crisis in universities and research institutes in Japan (7)]
Suzuki, K.: A view on the old national research institutes passing over 5 years after transformation into
the independent administrative agency
Aneha, A.: Look at the potential thirst for knowledge of students