地球的責任のための技術者・科学者国際ネットワーク(INES,International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global
SIGNATORIES 第1次賛同者(2009年8月6日現在)
- Prof. Dr. Peter C. Agre, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2003), USA
- Prof. Dr. Abhay Ashtekar, Director of the Institute for Gravitational Physics and Geometry at Pennsylvania State
University, India / USA
- Prof. Dr. Simone Beisiegel, Chairwoman of the Scientific Commission of the German Council of Science and Humanities,
- Prof. Dr. Günter Blobel, Nobel Laureate in Physiology / Medicine (1999), USA
- Reiner Braun, Executive Director of the German Section of International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms
(IALANA) and Activities Coordinator of INES, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Elias James Corey, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1990), USA
- Mairead Corrigan-Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1976), UK (Northern Ireland)
- Prof. Dr. Paul Crutzen, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1995), Germany/Netherlands
- Dr. Jayantha Dhanapala, former UN Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs and former Sri Lanka Ambassador, Sri
- Prof. Dr. Johann Deisenhofer, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1988), Germany / USA
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr, Alternative Nobel Prize Laureate (1987) and former President at the Max Planck Institute
for Physics and Astrophysics, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Eigen, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1967), Germany
- Prof. Richard R. Ernst, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1991), Switzerland
- Prof. Dr. Gerhard Ertl, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2007), Germany
- Prof. Dr. John Finney, Professor of Physics at University College London, Pugwash Council member, UK
- Prof. Dr. Johan Galtung, Founder and Director of TRANSCEND International, Alternative Nobel Prize Laureate (1987),
- Prof. Dr. Hartmut Graßl, Former Director at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, German Environment Prize winner
(1998), Germany
- Paul Greengard, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 2000
- Prof. Dr. Herbert A. Hauptman, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1985), USA
- Prof. Dr. Alan J. Heeger, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2000), USA
- Prof. Dr. Dudley R. Herschbach, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1986), USA
- Dr. David Krieger, Chairman of INES and President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF), USA
- Prof. Dr. Herbert Kroemer, Nobel Laureate in Physics (2000), Germany/USA
- Prof. Dr. Sir Harold Kroto, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1996), UK / USA
- Prof. Dr. Yuan T. Lee, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1986), Taiwan
- Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1987), France
- Prof. Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini, Nobel Laureate in Physiology / Medicine (1986), Senator for Life in the Italian
Senate, Italy / USA
- Prof. Dr. Bernard Lown, Co-founder of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW - Nobel
Peace Prize 1985), USA
- Prof. Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2004), Kenya
- Dr. Ronald S. McCoy, Former Co-president of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW),
- Prof. Dr. Sir James Mirrlees, Nobel Laureate in Economics (1996), UK
- Prof. Dr. Erwin Neher, Nobel Laureate in Medicine (1991), Germany
- Marshall Nirenberg, Nobel Laureate in Physiology/Medicine 1968
- Prof. Dr. Ryoji Noyori, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2001), Japan
- Prof. Dr. Valery S. Petrosyan, Professor at Lomonosov State University and Open Ecological University, Russia
- Prof. Dr. Martin L. Perl, Nobel Laureate in Physics (1995), USA
- Prof. Dr. John C. Polanyi, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1986), Canada
- Prof. Dr. Sir Richard J. Roberts, Nobel Laureate in Physiology / Medicine (1993), UK
- Prof. Dr. Shoji Sawada, Physicist, Emeritus Professor of Nagoya University, Representative Director of Japan Council
against A&H Bombs, Japan
- Prof. Dr. Jack Steinberger, Nobel Laureate in Physics (1988), USA
- Dr. Mark Byung-Moon Suh, Political Scientist, Pugwash Council member, South Korea
- Prof. Dr. Sir John E. Sulston, Nobel Laureate in Physiology / Medicine (2002), UK
- Dr. Jakob von Uexküll, Founder of the Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Prize) and initiator of the World
Future Council, Sweden / Germany
- Prof. Dr. Martinus J.G. Veltman, Nobel Laureate in Physics (1999), Netherlands
- Prof. Dr. John E. Walker, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1997), UK
- Judge Christopher Gregory Weeramantry, Alternative Nobel Prize Laureate (2007) and former Chair of the International
Court of Justice; Sri Lanka
- Prof. Dr. Ernst-Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Founder and former President of the Wuppertal Institute, Club of Rome member,
- Dr. Christine von Weizsäcker, Biologist, Coordinator of the ECOROPA biotechnology programme, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Kurt Wüthrich, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2002), Switzerland